Saturday, February 4, 2012

New Year, New ME!

Wow I just realized it has been a really long time since I posted anything. So figured an update is in order!! 

Shortly after my last post I did the Jingle Bell Run 5K in Somerville and it was losts of fun and a huge success for me. It was the first 5k I had done since I started my whole new workout out look on life and given that I have a terrible cold and was coughing the whole time I was able to complete the 5k with a time of 50:32 which for me was a new personal record! I was very excited!!
(Even with my eyes closed.)

Then it was the new year. Since last year I have started something that I can now consider a tradition. Instead of making new year resolutions I started making a bucket list (I am still trying to come up with a better name) for the year. I know the general concept is the do things you have always wanted to do before you die but my take on it is to make a list of things you would like to do within that year. Last years was a great success (even though I only completed half) and it was lots of fun too!

So here is my list for 2012:

1.) Go to visit Orlando, Fl (seems odd but hey I would like to do it)
2.) See a show in NYC (funny enough it is easier said than done).
3.) Take a cooking class of some kind (preferably something new to me).
4.) Force myself to try something new once a month. It can be food, activity, etc (but it could be more than once a month that is the minimum).
5.) Reach the 100lb weight loss goal (almost half way there so it is doable).
6.) Get more involved in volunteer work related to cancer (ie, MGH, LLS, ACS,LIVEstrong, etc).
7.) Some how get Lewis to join in my quest to lead a healthier life.
8.) Travel out of the country.
9.) Make a budget and stick to it!
10.) Be able to run for a whole mile!
11.) Read 12 books, so it averages a book a month but as long as I have read 12 by the end of the year I will be happy!

That's good to start with. I will hopefully be able to add more on to it as the year goes on and I am able to complete things.  Hopefully my list will inspire others to do things they have always wanted to do! I think it is more fun than coming with resolutions of things you will no longer do, try to focus on the positive people!! :-)

As for my quest for a better me there are a few things coming up that I am very excited about.

I couldn't find the logo for 2012 yet

My friend Sara convinced me to do a duathlon the end of July. It will be in New Hampshire and it is a 1/2 mile swim and then a 5k. The best part of all of this is the name it's called The Chunky Dunk Duathlon how fantastic is that. So in light of this she has also been kind enough to help me not only setup a swim plan to start working on my endurance for that part of the race but is basically my own personal swim instructor and I can't thank her enough!!

One of the other things that I have coming up that I am SUPER excited about is

I officially start the program on February 16th, 2012. However I have already had my intake interview, which is basically just getting your background info and medical info. I just had my fitness assessment on Friday so that I have a baseline of where I am starting and then I can see where I end up at the end of the program. I am so excited because I think this will be great motivation for me to keep going on my exercise path as well as teach me new things and develop so new thing to throw into my routine. If you or anyone you know is a cancer survivor this program is something they should definitely check out! I will keep you updated on how the program goes as well as what I learn during my 12 weeks!

Another great thing is that right when I started training for the duathlon I got into the LiveSTRONG at the Y program and got a membership to the Y til mid May that will allow me to be able to have a pool to start swimming which is amazing!

The last thing I want to share is a 5K I am doing with a friend of mine in March right here in Worcester to celebrate St. Patrick's Day! It's the Guiness Celtic 5k in Worcester and it is on the actual parade route (which will be motivating because the race starts at 11am and the parade starts at 12pm). So feel free to join me on Sunday March 11th, 2012 for a fun filled race!

I think that is pretty good for an update. I will do my best to post more than once every two months but in the mean time I hope something I wrote inspired you!


  1. I'm running a 5K this year! I hate running, but it's not very far and I'm going to try to do it for time. Eek.

    What are some books you live in mind?

    1. Most of the 5k's are really fun despite the whole having to run thing! So I actually don't mind them. I don't think I would ever do anything longer though because I really don't like running!! :-) good luck with your 5k!!

      As for the books I don't have anything specific in mind. At the moment I am reading "Are you there vodka, it's me Chelsea!" after that probably something from Stephen King. But I am open to suggestions!!
